Studio Amenities
Desert Sun Ceramics offers its 1200 square feet of communal studio space for artists with previous experience in clay. Whether you've got a degree in ceramics or have simply taken a beginner course with us, we encourage you to continue your exploration of clay at our studio!
Please be aware, our small studio can not accommodate production potters. We simply do not have the kiln capacity to fire more than 50 pounds per month for 24/7 members and 25 pounds per month for Open Studio members.
All members are expected to clean up after themselves plus complete an extra task and take a turn cleaning the floors. All personal items, clay, pottery need to be taken with you when your membership or class ends. After 7 days, the items become the property of Desert Sun Ceramics to dispose of.
$40 for 25# bag
If you are a current member, this price also includes firing and glazing
We fire to Cone 5/6 oxidation
Clays: Laguna SBRed, Laguna Speckeld Buff, Laguna Dover, Laguna B-3 Brown and Continental Clay B-Clay
Permission and a fee required to bring other clay into the studio.
Sometimes reclaimed clay is available for $25
Studio Memberships
Open Studio Membership
$175 for 10 visits in 3 months
Our Open Studio Membership covers 10 visits within a 3 month period. Membership expires 3 months after your initial visit. Work sessions are limited to our open studio hours. Unfinished pots will be disposed of after 14 days unless arrangements are made.
24/7 Membership
$160 per Month
Our monthly membership is an option for dedicated artists who have taken one or more classes at Desert Sun, or who have previous experience in a community ceramics studio. All new members must be approved before signing up, and will need to attend a studio orientation session.
24/7 Unlimited Studio Access, except during scheduled classes and winter months
Must be 18 years old
One personal shelf while membership is active